About LRI |
Organization |
The Steering Committee consists of responsible persons for R&D, Research Management and chemicals management in member companies, and is the decision making organization which is responsible for all the decision / execution authority for the operation of LRI.
The Research Strategy Planning Group consists of experts from member companies who have academic expertise, and is the planning group which manage on-going themes and give proposals related to the operation of LRI activities.
JCIA-LRI has 2 advisory panels, which are to advise committees related to LRI issues.
The Advisory panel consists of members from not only specialized but wide range fields, and gives high-level proposals and advices.
The Academic advisory panel consists of researchers from specialized fields, and gives professional advices.
Members of each panel are as follows,
Advisory Panel |
Chair Dr. Masakazu Iwamoto |
Tokyo Insutitute of Technology
Hokkaido University |
Vice-chair Dr. Itaru Yasui |
Institute for Promoting Sustainable Societies (IPSuS) |
Ms. Yoshiko Arita |
Dr. Masaru Kitano |
Akikusa Gakuen |
Mr. Shigeyuki Koide |
Japanese Association of Science and Technology Journalists |
Dr. Hajime Kojima |
JaCVAM, National Center for Biological Safety and Research, National Institute of Health Science |
Ms. Ayako Takei |
ICaRuS Japan Limited |
Dr. Yasuo Tsutsumi |
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Science, Osaka University |
Dr. Keiko Nohara |
National Institute for Environmental Studies |
Dr. Makoto Hayashi |
makoto international consulting |
Dr. Shoji Fukushima |
Association for Promotion of Research on Risk Assessment |
Mr. Kiyoshi Sakou |
Japanese Federation of Energy and Chemistry Workers' Unions |
Scientific Advisory Panel |
Dr. Hiroaki Aoyama |
The Institute of Environmental Toxicology |
Dr. Mayumi Ishiduka |
Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University |
Dr. Tatsuya Kunisue |
Center of Marine Environmental Studies, Ehime University |
Dr. Yuji Takahashi |
Division of Cellular and Molecular Technology, National Institute of Health Science |
Dr. Tohru Takebayashi |
Department of Preventive Medicine & Public Health, Keio University School of Medicine |
Dr. Jun-ichi Nishikawa |
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science, Mukogawa Woman's University |
Dr. Masamitsu Honma |
Division of Genetics & Mutagenesis, National Institute of Health Science |
Dr. Hiroshi Yamamoto |
National Institute of Environmental Studies, Center for Health and Environmental Risk Research, Ecotoxicity Research Section |
Dr. Yasuo Yoshioka |
Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University |
Dr. Kouichi Yoshinari |
School of Pharmaceutical Science, University of Shizuoka |
Dr. Takayuki Yoshimoto |
Institute of medical Science, Tokyo Medical University |
Dr. Yuko Sekino |
Graduate school of pharmaceutical sciences, Endowed laboratory of human cell-based drug discovery, The University of Tokyo |
Dr. Takashi Yamada |
Division of Risk Assessment, National Institute of Health Science |