Details of LRI |
Research outcomes |
Tools |
Chemicals in the THEATRE [Tractable and Heuristic E-Archive for Traceability and Responsible-care Engagement] |
ChemTHEATRE is a free web platform to register and visualize the monitoring data of environmental contaminants developed by Kei Nakayama, PhD (Assistant Professor, Center for Marine Environmental Studies, Ehime University), et al.
ChemTHEATRE could be obtained from the following page. https://chem-theatre.com/
Since the chemical concentration data in environment is stored as various format such as PDF and/or Excel files, it is difficult to use for modeling and/or risk analysis.
ChemTHEATRE was developed to promote a secondary use of scattered monitoring data by managing these data on one database and providing available formats of these data for other systems.
Data for 93 projects have been registered to ChemTHEARE. ( As of August 1, 2019)
By utilizing ChemTHEATRE,
Traceability of chemical substances is ensured.
The behavior and fate of chemical substances in environment can be easily predicted.
The ecological risk of chemical substances can be assessed with high accuracy and transparency by linking to external databases on chemical substance emissions and hazard information. |